Explore Fifteen Acres

In the seven years I have lived on this land, I have explored the bush layer by layer. While the seasons may repeat, bringing some familiar flowers or animal habits, each year it is different. Something new emerges, the presence or lack of rain favours certain species over others. We get to know the birds, kangaroos and other wildlife who also live on our land. These all turn into stories. 

On Fifteen Acres you will find species lists, photographs of the landscape, stories about the wildlife, and reflections of what it is like to live in a bushland setting, including reflections on ecology and change. Take some time to explore it. The links below are just a starting point. Follow the blog to get the latest stories in your social media, or search through the categories listed in the footer.

I always love to hear your response to my posts, so feel free to comment in the space below each post.